Please note our new seasonal hours:
Friday 3-8pm, Saturday 3-8pm, Sunday 3-6pm

We would like to say a heartfelt thank-you to all those who have supported our mercantile endeavor this year. Both our local vendors and our customers have helped us support our local agricultural community.

While local produce is ‘hibernating’ for the winter we still will have local meats (including chicken and duck), potaoes, Angie’s fresh baked goods, dairy products, eggs, and cheeses. Also, we are hoping to get a new order of yarn in soon from Blue Mountain Fiber Mill. This should include new offerings of sock weight yarn as well as worsted and core-spun – natrual colors and white, and we will start some new dye lots. We do also still have several sheepskins available

The Stillpoint Farm Mercantile is located adjacent to the Milkhouse Brewery Taproom.